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Your health


starts here

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Feeling held back by your health?


You might be here with a specific or chronic health concern or a mystery problem that’s holding you back and making life a drag. 

A recent health scare or the changes you're noticing in your body may have prompted you to look deeper. Maybe you’re noticing that things aren’t quite working as well as they used to, or you can’t quite keep up with your previous pace of life, habits and food choices.

We investigate the root cause of symptoms

You may want to optimise your performance in a demanding world or stay vibrant for your children and grandchildren. And of course, prevention is always always better than cure!  Whatever your situation, change is in your hands and we can help you get there.

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I'm Christine

Holistic Nutrition Consultation logo

Like many people, I’ve had to face some hard truths. I wasn’t always as kind to my body as I should’ve been. Sooner or later, those signs of imbalance start to catch up. And in today’s world—where we’re surrounded by toxins, pollutants, pesticides, and all kinds of additives in our food—our bodies have even more to contend with.

​The great news, though, is that our bodies have an amazing ability to repair themselves when given the right support. That’s where holistic nutritional therapy comes in.


One to one


A bespoke approach to achieve your health goals
Image by Annie Spratt

Group &


Build a healthy, loyal workforce and cut insurance and sick pay costs
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Refine your plan and hyper-individualise for faster outcomes
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Download your

free quiz!

How much do you really know about nutrition? Have you been duped by trends or are can you separate fact from fiction? Take my free nutrition quiz, sign up to my newsletter below and it will go straight to your inbox! (don't forget to check your spam). 

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